Cu siguranta, daca ai ajuns pe blogul meu, ai auzit sau ai citit ceva de Robert Kyosaki!
Cartea lui "Tata bogat, tata sarac", vanduta in milioane de exemplare, este, si daca nu este ar TREBUI sa fie una dintre cartile pe care ar trebui sa le citeasca orice adolescent, si nu numai! Si asta deoarece reprezinta abecedarul financiar pe care nici o scoala nu-l preda si, in necunostinta de cauza, nici parintii.
In calitate de abonat al site-urilor sale am primit un mail astazi prin care, mi se ofera accesul liber la cateva cursuri oferite de D-l Kyosaki si consultantii sai!
Mai mult PENTRU O PERIOADA FOARTE SCURTA de timp mi se permite sa invit si cativa prieteni
la aceste cursuri evaluate la 800$.
Daca ai ajuns pe acest blog, si citesti aceste randuri, cu siguranta ca vei profita de aceasta IMENSA OPORTUNITATE !!! Citeste in original mesajul lui Kyosaki, si vino neintarziat si TU!
Este o ocazie UNICA!
Were you surprised by my candid discussion about the old rules of money on Rich Dad's Shooting the Sacred Cows of Money video website? You are to be commended for making the effort to view and understand that those playing by the new rules of money are winning.
Thank you for being a part of Shooting the Sacred Cows of Money. The 8 myths of money in this mini-documentary are meant to serve as an eye-opening and honest look at what our culture currently thinks about money and investing.
But what's next? After watching the videos and participating in the online forum, you may be asking yourself; "What can I do now to increase my financial education NOW? How can I take action towards real financial success?"
To keep you moving in the right direction, I'd like to invite you to join! The goal of the site is to support Rich Dad's mission of raising the financial well-being of humanity by providing free access to some of Rich Dad's most powerful tools and information.
Already over 140,000 people have joined this site to be a part of a community that is taking control of their own financial lives. By joining, you get free access to the Rich Dad PowerPack - a collection of products valued at over $800. In return, we only ask that help us spread the word by sharing this with family and friends.
Get your Free Access to Rich Dad World today!
Thank you,

Robert Kiyosaki
P.S. After you receive your free access, do your part and share financial education with the world by passing it on to family and friends.
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