"Eu, sunt eu!
Nu mai exista nimeni pe lumea asta exact ca mine. Mai sunt persoane care imi seamana in anumite aspecte, dar nimeni nu-mi seamana in totalitate. Prin urmare, tot ceea ce emana din mine este suta la suta al meu, pentru ca eu sunt cel ce face alegerile.
Posed tot ceea ce tine de mine: corpul meu, inclusiv tot ceea ce face acesta; mintea mea, inclusiv toate gandurile si ideile; ochii mei, inclusiv imaginile a tot ceea ce vad ei; sentimentele mele, oricare ar fi ele: manie, bucurie, frustrare, iubire, dezamagire, emotie; gura mea si toate cuvintele care ies din ea: politicoase, dulci sau aspre, corecte sau incorecte; vocea mea, sonora sau linistitoare; si toate actiunile mele, atat cele indreptate catre ceilalti cat si cele directionate catre mine insumi.
Posed fanteziile, visele, sperantele si temerile mele. Posed toate triumfurile si succesele mele, toate esecurile si toate greselile.
Pentru ca posed tot ceea ce tine de mine, ma pot cunoaste foarte bine. Daca fac asta, ma pot iubi si pot avea o atitudine binevoitoare fata de intreaga mea fiinta. Apoi, pot face in asa fel incat sa actionez in totalitate pentru binele meu.
Stiu ca exista anumite aspecte in mine care ma nedumeresc si altele pe care nu le cunosc. Dar atata vreme cat ma port cu blandete si iubire cu mine pot cauta, cu speranta si curaj, solutii pentru puzzle si modalitati pentru a afla mai multe despre mine.
Felul in care arat si vorbesc, tot ceea ce spun si fac, tot ceea ce gandesc si simt la un moment dat, toate acestea sunt eu. Totul este autentic si ma reprezinta pe mine asa cum sunt in acel moment precis. Cand mai tarziu ma uit in urma la cum am aratat si la cum am vorbit, la ce am spus si am facut, la cum am gandit si am simtit, pot gasi elemente care sa mi se para nepotrivite. Pot da deoparte elementele nepotrivite, pot pastra ceea ce s-a dovedit adecvat si pot inventa ceva nou pentru ceea ce am indepartat.
Pot sa vad, sa aud, sa simt, sa gandesc, sa vorbesc si sa fac. Am instrumentele pentru a supravietui, pentru a fi apropiat de ceilalti, pentru a fi productiv, pentru a intelege si a patrunde marea de oameni si lucruri din exteriorul meu.
Ma posed pe mine si prin urmare, ma pot construi.
Eu sunt eu si sunt OK."
Aceasta declaratie am gasit-o in cartea Virginiei Satir, "Arta de a fauri oameni", o carte excelenta pe care o recomand din toata inima. O puteti gasi aici la un pret redus cu 35%!!!
Declaration of self esteem!
"I am me.
In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. There are persons who have some parts like me, but no one adds up exactly like me. Therefore, everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone choose it.
I own everything about me – my body, including everything it does; my mind, including all my thoughts and ideas; my eyes, including the images of all they behold; my feelings, whatever they might be anger, joy, frustration, love, disappointment, excitement; my mouth, and all the words that come out of it, polite, sweet or rough, correct or incorrect; my voice, loud or soft; and all my actions, whether they be to others or myself.
I own my own fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears.
I own all my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.
Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with me in all my parts. I can then make it possible for all of me to work in my best interests.
I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know. But as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for the solutions to the puzzles and for ways to find out more about me.
However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is me.
This is authentic and represents where I am at that moment in time.
When I review later how I looked and sounded, what I said and did, and how I thought and felt, some parts may turn out to be unfitting. I can discard that which is unfitting, and keep that which proved fitting, and invent something new for that which I discarded.
I can see, hear, feel, think, say and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me.
I own me, and therefore I can engineer me.
I am me and I am okay."
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