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19 octombrie 2012

Dor De ... Fericire! Paradoxurile Fericirii!

- Paradoxurile Fericirii -

The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun 

(Proiectul "FERICIREA": Sau De Ce Mi-am Petrecut Diminetile Cantand Dimineata, Facandu-mi Curatenie Prin Dulapuri, Luptand Cinstit, Citindu-l Pe Aristotel Si In General Distrandu-ma)

“The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. 

The opposite of a great truth is also true.” —Niels Bohr

Accomplish more by working less. Keep an empty shelf, and keep a junk drawer.
Realizeaza mai mult, lucrand mai putin! Pastreaza un raft gol si un sertar toxic!

Strive to be emotionally self-sufficient so you can draw closer to other people.
Straduieste-te sa fii cat mai stabil emotional, astfel incat sa iti poti apropia alte persoane.

Accept yourself, and expect more of yourself. Everything matters. Nothing matters.
Accepta-te si ai asteptari marete de la tine. Fiecare lucru conteaza. Nimic nu este important!

Trying to be more virtuous can undermine your sense of virtue.
Incercarea da a fi mai virtuos iti poate subestima sentimentul de virtute!

Hell is other people. Heaven is other people. Silence is sometimes the best reply.
Iadul este reprezentat de "ceilalti oameni". Raiul este reprezentat de "alti oameni". Tacerea este uneori, cel mai bun raspuns!

Flawed can be more perfect than perfection.
Imperfectiunea poate fi mult mai perfecta decat perfectiunea.

Make people happier by acknowledging that they’re not feeling happy.
Recunoscand ca ii faci pe oameni fericiti, nu te face fericit!