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8 august 2012

Dor De O Piramida ... A Succesului. Cu Johh Wooden! - video

Piramida Succesului lui John Wooden!

O filozofie care a condus la rezultate extraordinare.

    Obtinand o catedra intr-un liceu ca profesor de limba engleza, John Wooden, un ilustru necunoscut frustrat de sistemul de acordare a calificativelor, avea sa devina mai tarziu celebru, datorita unei provocari careia s-a decis sa-i faca fata, si sa defineasca succesul. Nemultumit, dupa cum spuneam, Johh Wooden, s-a simtit obligat sa-si faca studentii sa inteleaga succesul ca ...rezultat al efortului depus, crezand cu sfintenie in adevarul unui sfat primit de la tatal sau:  “Never try to be better than anyone else, but never stop trying to be the best you can be.” (Nu incerca niciodata sa fii mai bun decat oricine alcineva, dar sa nu te opresti niciodata sa fii mai bun decat poti sa fii).
      Astfel, a incercat si a reusit sa defineasca in felul cum vedea el succesul:

"Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."  A Pyramid Created

      Aceasta definitie, nou creata, l-a multumit pentru o perioada scurta de timp pe John, care a realizat ca ceva ...lipseste. Astfel s-a gandit ca o exprimare vizuala, asa ca a petrecut urmatorii 14 ani, perioada in care a identificat 25 de comportamente care, credea el, sunt necesare pentru a completa definitia unui om de succes. Cercetarile sale s-au concretizat printr-o diagrama explicata aici, numita simplu Diagrama Wooden sau "The Pyramid of Success"(Piramida Succesului), finalizata in 1948.
    Urmatoarele 6 decenii au facut proba veridicitatii acestor comportamente, astfel ca Piramida Succesului, s-a tranformat intre timp intr-o filozofie care a condus si conduce la rezultate extraordinare.

     Piramida este alcatuita din 15  calitati, considerate indispensabile unei persoane de sucees. Acestea sunt:  harnicia, entuziasmul, prietenia, cooperarea, loialitatea, initiativa, indemanarea, entuziasm, vigilenta,

24 mai 2012

Dor de o lectie de la ... Anthony Robbins! 5 Ways to Live a More Courageous Life(eng.)

Tony Robbins: 5 Ways to Live a More Courageous Life

                                Tony Robbins 

The life coach and host of Breakthrough with Tony Robbins believes in living a passionate life, a life in which fear is a counselor, not a jailer. Here, he shows us how to "step up" during our most intimidating moments:
1. Don't Turn an Excuse into an Identity
We need be careful of how we label ourselves, for example, saying "I'm an fearful person" or "I'm a weak person" or "I'm not a strong person." Usually that label comes from your current or past behavior, but once the label becomes a part of you, it starts to control you. So what I try to get people to understand is: Hey, you're not broken. You don't need to be fixed. You don't need a label. All you need to do is say, "I have to decide how I want to be now going forward."

2. Develop a Habit
Courage is not the absence of fear. That idea is the biggest b.s. in the world. Fear is impossible to eradicate. If you were completely fearless, you'd be dead. People who are courageous are scared to the core—they